Felix Stubbs
Assistant Secretary
Mr. Stubbs is active on many civic, government, and private boards. He was bestowed the honour of Member of the British Empire. He is the General Manager of IBM Bahamas Ltd. Mr. Stubbs at present serves as Chairman, Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute, Vice-Chairman of Doctor’s Hospital and Vice Chairman of the Salvation Army Advisory Board. He is a former Chairman of Junior Achievement Bahamas, and Past President of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce. He is on the Board of Directors for Family Guardian, the Grand Bahama Port Authority and FCIB Bahamas and is a member of the Past President’s Advisory Council of The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, Mr. Stubbs is the District Governor Elect of the Rotary Clubs of District 7020 and is a Past President of The Rotary Club of Nassau Sunrise.